Monday, February 16, 2009

Just for FUN

Crash and Carlee

I spent this evening learning how to use my new Camera so her are just a few new photos
for you to enjoy .... just because.

 Carlee with Curly Hair!
This one is for you Jordan! SierraDawn was holding Carlee and we started playing around! But the picture didn't turn out to good . SORRY

Asleep in Daddy's arms.

SierraDawn and Carlee... notice those blue eyes!

Ian and Carlee. Really those eyes look much more BLUE in person.


Becky said...

Natalie!!!!!! It's so awesome to see pictures of you and your family and to get the updates. You have some very cute kids. I love the dark hair and I am so jealous that I don't have a dark haired child yet. With three blonds on me heals, I get comments like "how did that happen?" Congrats on the new baby. By the way, your 7 year old is just one day younger than my twins, Reed and Douglas, who were born on Jan. 10, 2002. Too cool. Take care!--Becky (Hartvigsen) Williams

colleeeen said...

I cannot believe that SierraDawn, that chubby little baby you brought to see us when we were at the Ronald McDonald House, is now such a big girl. Of course, Paul is astonishingly big these days, too.